I am

i am 80 % water

and just as much silence

scaring you into running.

I am healing, changing,

I am distance instead of constant contact now.

I am used, abused, raped

and came back leading the proverbial pack

using fury as fuel for love.


I am love. Eros, Phileo, Agape

I am light, dancing with my shadow.

And a girl. Comfy with tea and books.

Priest and silly.

Wisdom woman, moth woman, death woman.

Let me bury you into my flesh.


I am walking. Listening. Holding space - for you too.

I am walking, watching and suffering from what i see

I am an escapee of the real

Refugee of all that fucked up in the world

learning to create distance 

healing my wounds


I am. I AM WHO I AM. No, that's You God. 

I belong to the great I AM. Now and forever

Remaining the little i am,

The trickster lover

The angry crier

The book reader

The song singer

The story listener

The carrot planter

Naked dancer


... well... for now
