sugar free - low carb lemon curd

i LOVE lemon curd since my first time in Britain.

it was really painfull, when i had to give it up because of my insulin resistance.

but hey! why ever not with swetener? yes, it's not the same, i know, i know, but it's pretty darn close...

so two large eggs in a bowl, with two teaspoon of vanilla extract, the juice and peel of 2 medium lemon, swetener. stir.

start to heat it over steam, (in a separate pot off course), stir constantly, and it's starts to thicken. then stop, or you're gonna have lemon-fried egg, bhooaaa.

so it's getting thick, you can see that on the back on a spoon, remove from stove, add 50 g butter, stir, until melting. it's already amazing, but if you're patient, you can wait until it's cooling down. yumm. enjoy!